Saturday, 21 July 2012

Accepting a Compliment

I will be a little self-centered today. BUT it is with purpose as I am talking about myself.

Working at the bureau of immigration is really intense, and sometimes having to hear a lot of complains make us hate our jobs and hate the people in front of us. what’s more difficult is we tend to bring it the whole day, which of course affect other people and how you function towards other people.

That is why I decided from the start that, first; I will never bring home the stress of my work at home. Second, if put in a complicated situation, I am allowing myself to get mad and answer back, but making sure that I do not give that attitude to my next client. Third, always SMILE. No matter how mean they are, no matter how good they are, and no matter how weird they are. Lastly, wear something sexy inside so I feel good. (The last one was suppose to be a secret but it helps boost my confidence at work, try it!)

so since I’ve been working, I have noticed that that plan works for me and for my clients. Somehow they feel better when they come to my window after a long wait to other windows. In a way, I am a their fresh air in a very polluted area. Foreigners always like to comment, “thank you for your smile” or “you are the only one who smiles in this whole building.” I always get surprised when they do compliment me, because being a Filipino, we really weren’t trained to accept compliments. Maybe because we were brought up being polite people or more tamed than others, BUT why shouldn’t we say thank you after all? Its not like they’re asking for anything else.

So I’d like to teach you how I react to compliments, maybe you can do the same rather than looking at the floor and getting red. After all, we are beautiful human beings and it’s not our fault that people see us that way.

Reaction 1: normal looking person and compliments you

Just smile and say, “why thank you!”

Reaction 2: weird looking person who looks like he has plans to ask you out or something and compliments you

Move back a little and say, “I’m sorry sir, but I am at work right now, let me get back to you. But thank you for your compliment”  (BUT NEVER GET BACK TO HIM)

Reaction 3: handsome looking person and compliments you

Move forward, smile again, like the pretty kind and say, “thanks! So sorry for the wait and I hope it wasn’t that bad.” (THEN ASK A QUESTION ABOUT HIM, then BAM! He might end up getting your number)

I know you’re super laughing at me right now, but trust me when I say that it works. 

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