as 2012 starts, its time to renew my checklist. yes, im that kind of person who tries to motivate herself by making priority lists. and they're not JOKE time goals, these are lists that i plan to achieve-- some successful and some were not. i guess thats how it works. i started this list since i graduated high school.
i make 2 lists, my first is my priority list, the only thing in this list is ONE or two goal/s that i want to achieve for the year. the second list is what i call my WHAT-I-WANT-TO-DO-LIST, this list consists of mini goals that i want to achieve, like bunjee jump, lose weight, or learn to mind read. sometimes this list helps in getting me to my priority list or to keep me sane (cause usually the list has fun stuff in it). anyway.
these were my PRIORITY GOALS since 2006 to this year:
2006: study in UP (accomplished)
2007: get college scholar in both semesters (sem 1, none. sem 2, honor roll)
2008: win a triathlon race (accomplished, NAGT 5th leg UPLB)
2009: be part of the college student council (ran as vice chairman for BUKLOD, lost by 21 votes, i think)
2010: graduate with honors and apply for master's program (missed cum laude by .14, but i got to apply to 3 universities in Australia-- I GOT IN!)
2011: study abroad and do some travelling (accomplished, as this blog proves the whole experience)
ive always wanted to be an ambassador. a representative of the Philippines. sharing my culture to the world and keeping and making strong diplomatic relations to other nations. shaking hands with other consulate generals, learning their culture. and as i finish my academic career, there's no turning back. this is it. and im excited for it.
as for my mini list, here it is:
this year, i want to...
1. lose 25 pounds. i get a bike if i do. i will never lose hope. haha
2. travel-- specifically southeast asia (this will prove to be the most challenging one since im jobless right now)
3. go to at least 2 or more festivals in the Philippines
4. learn how to drive (yes, its true)
5. practice my 3rd language. spanish.
6. run a half marathon and a marathon race
7. master the art of cleaning a gun by myself
8. know all the names of Papa's security
9. do month-long challenges every month. (january is no chocolates month for me)
10. 90 days of soberness challenge (inspired by James Black) for this one, i started it already.
11. read ALL my readings for foreign service exam.
12. start volunteering again
13. start my own business
im sharing this to you, because i want you to do it. let me tell you why this helps you in so many ways... because i strongly believe that CHANGE IS THE ONLY CONSTANT THING IN THE WORLD, and we must learn how to change, because change brings improvement, whether you're 10, 28 or 53, we must learn how to IMPROVE OURSELVES FOR THE BETTER. because making lists and crossing out those things that you want to do FEELS SO GOOD. you feel that you matter or that you've done something RIGHT. because having year-long goals make life more interesting and keeps it more sane. it stabilizes your plans for the year so you know how or where to spend your money. because having a list and seeing it constantly and reviewing it at the end of the year makes you realize how your life went, and it helps you make and improve your next list. because this helps you KNOW WHAT YOU WANT or if you're TRYING TO FIND what you want in life. lastly, because having a list SAVED ME FROM LOSING MYSELF i this CRAZY WORLD.
so i hope this year, you make your own list, however simple or crazy it may be.
happy 2012 for everyone! : )
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