Saturday, 26 February 2011

BALLEt-bale buto

I'm very excited that school starts on Monday. Actually, I'm excited that i might have a blonde professor... i mean seriously, i've never had a blonde professor before. haha [that was a random thought]

anyway, i just wanted to share how my week went during orientation week.

i told you that i've been meeting a lot of people and just actually trying to find people who i can "understand and relate" with. and i'm very happy to note that i do-- we're all postgraduates and somehow in related courses, so that's good.

and yes, i haven't had any pictures with the harbor bridge or the opera house, but i did however get to walk the WHOLE george st (like their main and busiest st), went to all the malls, got to see a far view of the bridge and opera house, went shopping, attended a crab racing event, joined a club, ate some gelato, and i did some BALLET with my cousin and her best friend.

i know what you're thinking, why the hell ballet?

my answer: why not?

the main reason why i wanted to study abroad is to experience and go through unfamiliar territories, and ballet is one of them. the ballet classes-- yes, i will continue to do it-- is under the harbor bridge, which makes it the most amazing place to do it, cause after, you can actually appreciate the city going home.

and yesterday, i FINALLY learned how to do my own laundry. whatever, laugh all you want, but i admit that i dont know how to wash my own clothes. hahaha but after that, look at me, i can put that on my resume now-- abilities: use laundromat. HA!

lastly, i attempted to jog around the main campus, i have been meaning to do it the whole week, and when i really did get up and ran, i started regretting why i did decide to run. first of all, i would like to remind everyone that maps are very tricky. they make it seem that the campus is SMALL, but its actually NOT. i started dying after about 8 minutes in my run. hahaha but i was too proud to stop and actually walk since a lot of cars pass the main roads. so i ran. i ran so hard that i thought my heart was going to explode. the funny thing about it was, when i wouldn't pass any people, i would breathe like a dog, HA.HA.HO.HA-- like superrrrrr loud talaga, and when a person would pass me i try NOT to breathe loud, and when they pass me-- i would just blurt the stuck air inside me. HOOOOOOOO. hahahaha [not really proud of that, but yeah] haha

moral of the week: JUST DO IT. parang nike. you'll have to do it eventually, why not do it now?

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