Good bye 2013, hello 2014!
This is a brief report of my first 10 days of 2014.
Im really happy 2013 is over. I hated that year so much I wanted it to end the moment it started. Im pretty sure a lot of you can attest to that. I mean really, it felt like I was at-the-bottom-of-the-pit-kinda-feeling. So I was very excited that 2014 was knocking at my door. I mean where else could I go right? I was already in a state where nothing can go wrong, like there was nowhere else but to go up! Right?
That’s what I thought.
The past 10 days of this year has been… how do I say this? CRAZY.
I will try to briefly tell you what happened.
on 1 January 2014, papa and mama decided to check themselves in at St. Luke's Medical Hospital for an Executive Checkup. I thought it was really smart of them to do this as they were both feeling something. Both of them passed with "normal" test results and went home the next day at around 2:00 PM.
By 5:00 PM, papa couldn't breathe.
My father had a heart attack on 2 January 2014. I was on my way home when mama called me to go straight to St. Luke’s. I didn't know what was happening then but all I could do was pray to the Lord and ask Him why now? Don’t let him die, please! And all sorts of plea to God because I wouldn’t know what to do if he left us. I am a self proclaimed daddy’s girl and I honestly don’t know what I would do if I lost him. By the 3rd, he went through a series of tests and more tests just to confirm that he did in fact suffer from a heart attack and that we needed to act on it quickly. By 11:00 am, his angioplasty was over and we thought he was saved. Few days have past and by Sunday, the 5th, he went home to us with a smile on his face and we had our Sunday Best lunch.

Everything was good.
By the 6th, I thought everything was A-okay, but mama texted at around 4:30 PM that I had to go straight to the hospital as papa was admitted AGAIN. I was at work when I got the message and decided to not wait anymore. All I can do was finish my work for the day while I silently cry and prayed to God to not take him. He was my pillar of strength and my inspiration. He was my dad after all.
Oh, did I mention that my sister, Ginny, was already at the verge of giving birth to the first apo of papa and mama? Well, yeah. So all this time, we were also waiting for the baby to come out. I didn’t even want to think as to how my sister handled all of it. All I know was that I could barely hold my tears every time I saw papa on that bed, what more my sister.
Anyway, back to my story.
He was admitted again because they saw that he had deep vein thrombosis on his left leg. We learned that it had reached his lungs and so they had to fix that problem. The only good thing about this was that he did not have to go under any kind of surgery. It was blood thinners and more blood thinners to fix the leg problem. I learned later on that if we did not see that problem the blood would’ve rushed to the lungs and he wouldn’t be able to breathe.
I don’t know if God loves papa so much or if He listened to all of our prayers, but saving him twice in 7 days is just a miracle. Even the doctors said that they couldn’t believe how he survived a stage 2 heart attack and the deep vein thrombosis that reached 40% of his lungs. I don’t know. But all I can think of was that if I was at the bottom of the pit last 2013, I was at the bottom of the bottom of the pit this year. A place I thought never existed. I thought 2014 was going to be a better year.
By the 9th, Archie, my sister’s husband, knocked at my door and shouted, “manganganak na si ate! MANGANGANAK NA SI ATE!” (your sister is going to give birth! YOUR SISTER IS GOING TO GIVE BIRTH!)
By 10:00am, they went back home because she was only 1cm open. I don’t know what that meant, but her screams by 12:00 noon said that that baby wanted to come out already. And by 5:02 pm, baby Calia Denise Puno de Leon was born.
Whoever said that LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL knows what he was talking about, because that baby made us all realize that life is soooo freakin AWESOME. She’s just so cute and fat that you’d want to squeeze her all day. And you know what the good part is? Papa was able to see her.
So today, the 10th day of 2014, two GREAT things happened today: (1) Papa was discharged from the hospital and (2) I got to hold Baby Calia for the first time.
Even though my first ten days of 2014 had a bottom-of-the-bottom-of-the-pit-kinda-feeling, it made me realize how lucky we are as a family. and how miracles do happen. and prayers do work. and that when there's life, there comes more life.
Papa will now be eating tasteless foods for the next coming years, but im pretty sure he’d choose that over seeing his first grandchild grow up and be at more family events. We now have our new fat bundle of joy to love and to annoy as she grows up, and lastly, I am now out of the bottom-of-the-bottom-of-the-pit-kinda-feeling.
I guess 2014 will be a better year after all.