Saturday, 22 October 2011

Are you the next fighter pilot?

Ellen and I took advantage of the free fairy floss in Uni the other day, and this lady came up to see and asked if we wanted to try the flight simulator thing the next day. of course, we didnt even hesitate.

so when the day came, we woke up early (we were scheduled at 9AM), ate our breakfast, and went to the area in full confidence. and hey, we even got free sunnies. anyway, ellen was first, and she failed to leave and land, while i managed to leave the airport, it seems like we both weren't the next fighter pilot. BUT, we were both able to turn our jets like we were showing off our skills and that was good enough. anyway, it didnt matter cause it was an awesome experience and we could both cross that out in our things-that-we-want-to-do list.


Thursday, 13 October 2011

Food Festival

last night, my friends and i went to the food festival in Hyde Park. we wanted to go because it was Chinese, Malaysian, Thai, Singaporean, and Vietnamese food and nothing else. when we entered the par, i was quite overwhelmed with what i saw. a gazillion tents (exaggerated of course) full of different cuisines along with its tantalizing smell made me drool all over the place. of course, with that kind of event, their were also a lot of people lining up just to be able to buy those delicious meals. annette and i were too hungry to line up and wait, so thought we'd go to places that were good enough and had a not-so-long line with it.

i managed to get some sesame balls, yum cha, and garlic prawns -- BUT WITHOUT RICE -- and ate them all satisfyingly as i sit on the grass. everybody had felt the baboy reflex so we all deicded to walk back home. it was a good 40 minute walk that we all enjoyed. and as i type this, i dont really regret waking up with hives all over my body. it was a good break from IH meals after all and the food was good enough to feel like i was back home.

thank you jonathan choo for taking the liberty to bring your camera.

(with me were Mike, Adam, Bo An, Jonathan and Annette)

Monday, 3 October 2011


Yayas are not just maids.

i was watching "The Help" with my cousin the other day, and i cried like crazy. yes, im not ashamed to admit it. haha i highly recommend that you watch it, especially if you have a maid who took care of you since you were born.

anyway, i know how much my yaya takes care of me and i hope she knows how much i value you her. recently, the maid of my cousin got some bad news back in the Philippines. her mom died. its hard because you dont really know what to do. both my cousins seem to be lost right now. and why? even though our yayas are not blood related to us, they're not just maids to us, they're family. they were there when we first took our steps, took care of us when we were sick, watched us til we slept, attended all our birthday parties, and took photos with us during graduations. my yaya has been there for me since i was born and until today. and when her father died, i felt like i was going to die. i was as sad and depressed as she was.

so back to my story.

right now, my cousins are depressed cause they're yaya is sad. and now that their yaya is feeling that way, they're taking care of her.

as for my yaya, she was the only one who cried when i left for Australia. she is the only person who i talk to via skype who cries every time we see each other. and i bet that when i come back, she will be the only one in shock and surprised and will cry again.