i went to bankstown to see some family friends who were here for a competition. anyway, it was a looooonnnggggg ride. an hour inside the train and a bus ride to get there from the city. phewww!
anyway, im absolutely happy today because of the following:
1. got to see some friends from home-- thanks tita mian for the lunch
2. when i got home, got a letter from the house and i've been awarded a 500 dollar bursary to help me out. that's a month of allowance for me right there. but hopefully i get the other scholarships as well.
3. then, when i got to my room, checked my mail, and saw that i've been granted to work online. nothing fancy, its just a website where you get to write articles about places and events in sydney. so since im doing this blog already, i figured why not do this but with a little bit of cherries and ice cream on top to make every other person in the world read it AND get paid too. HA!
4. then, i finished my first assessment requirement for the semester, and it feels good!
5. lastly, my ears popped! its a good sign that im doing better than yesterday. i was actually carrying around a tissue box wherever i went. stupid rain.
so yeah, im ABSOTUTOOTELY HAPPY today! : )